Tuesday, October 2, 2007

UU Vermillion Services, Fall 2007

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Vermillion meets at 10:30 a.m. on the first and third Sundays of the month at the Senior Citizens Center in Vermillion, South Dakota. Address: 320 W. Main Street. Coffee and fellowship follow each service. We also provide babysitting.


Sunday, Sept. 23: Water service. Lay Leader: Kathy Keltz

Sunday, Oct. 7: "The School of Morals" in Literature and the Arts. Lay Leader: Judy Zwolak

Sunday, Oct. 21: To be announced. Lay Leader: Leroy Meyer

Sunday, Nov. 4: To be announced. Lay Leader: Kathy Keltz

Sunday, Nov. 18: Potluck and planning meeting. Everyone is welcome.

Sunday, Dec. 2: Lay Leader: Hugh Britten; Hospitality: Kathy Kabeiseman

Sunday, Dec. 16: Lay Leader: Betty Smith; Hospitality: Kathy Keltz

To learn more about Unitarian Universalism, please visit the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations Web site.

We are a small fellowship in Vermillion with services lead by lay members. We welcome visitors of all faiths, backgrounds and beliefs to our services. For more information, call Leroy Meyer, president, at 605-624-2926, or email Judy Zwolak, treasurer, at judyzwolak@yahoo.com.